Tuesday 15 March 2016


1. (?)Mengurangkan rasa sakit sekaligus mengubati di sengat serangga dan menghindarkan dari terluka

2. (?)Mengurangkan rasa sakit sementara apabila terbakar kecil dan melecur terkena api.

3. (?)Mengecilkan jerawat. Letakkan satu titik kecil ubat gigi ke jerawat pada malam hari sebelum tidur. Mencucinya di pagi hari.

4. (?)Mengilatkan kuku

5. (?)Sebagai gel rambut apabila gel rambut anda habis.

6. (?)Menghilang bau di tangan seperti bau bawang, hanyir ikan dan sebagainya.

7. (?)Membuang dakwat pen di pakaian. Gosok kawasan yang terkena dakwat sebelum membilasnya dengan air dengan segera.

8. (?)Untuk kasut kulit, ubat gigi juga boleh membersih malah mengilatkan kasut.
9. (?)Membuang kesan krayon di dinding. Gosokkan kain basah dengan yang sudah diletak ubat gigi dengan lembut pada dinding.

10.(?)Membuat perhiasan perak berkilau. Gosokkan ubat gigi ke perhiasan perak dan biarkan semalam. Lap bersih dengan kain yang lembut keesokan harinya.

11. (?)Menghapuskan kesan calar pada DVD dan CD. Letakkan lapisan yang nipis ubat gigi ke disk dan gosok perlahan, kemudian bilas dengan air bersih.

12. (?)Menghilangkan bau masam pada botol bayi. Ingat supaya membilasnya dengan sabun dan air sehingga bersih.

13. (?)menghilang kesan terbakar pada besi seperti sudu dan seterika.

14. (?)Membersihkan cermin mata menyelam (google) supaya terang. Penyelam, perenang, dan para atlit mungkin sudah tahu tentang trick ini. Gosokkan setitik ubat gigi di kacamata kemudian bilas dengan rata.

15. (?)Membersihkan Casing Monitor/Laptop. Letakkan ubat gigi dan dicampurkan dengan sedikit air kemudian gosok monitor/casing/laptop dengan perlahan-lahan dan berhati-hati. Kemudian lap semula dengan kain lembut dengan berhati-hati.

16. (?)Untuk menampal dinding simen yang berlubang kerana kesan paku dan sebagainya.

1 comment:

  1. 'Ghost Stories (2018)' unravels itself remarkably well, with layer by unexpected-yet-sensical layer peeling away in the flick's fantastically frenzied and freaky finale. Expert foreshadowing, symbolism and general excellence in design compounds these final few reveals as ones totally intrinsic to a narrative that's been heading in one inevitable, incredibly dark direction since its immediately unsettling first frame. Happy deathday

    It's also this 'trippy', twisty final third that elevates the picture from simply a competent yet straightforward entry into a tried-and-tested genre to one that confidently carves its own path through that genre and, in that same move, rises to the top to sit among the very best. The feature works supremely well as a whole and actually gets better the longer you think about it, inversely to most movies nowadays, with every single second adding to the overall effect. Each theme, motif and slice of subtext comes together pretty much perfectly right up until the final frame. The ending itself enhances the experience tenfold, changing and reshaping the entire affair into something wholly separate from what you thought and yet totally cohesive with the initial intent, in a way not usually associated with this type of film, in which the ending usually leaves a sour taste or at least has to be excused in some way. the devil's candy movie

    You can reflect on any one moment and have it fit with your new perspective, and new plot information, like a glove, fed with fantastic visual references and narrative details evocative of an incredibly detail oriented screenplay and a precisely planned production, to the point where the piece feeds the mind for ages after the credits have rolled. It's a constantly evolving experience that provides the frights in the moment and intelligently turns up the dial in every scene, leaving you with bated breath until it finally lets you in on its secrets. watch Avengers Infinity War online free

    Then, that's when the fun really begins. You'll be thinking about it for ages, fitting the pieces together as the film unfolds and after it has finished, and the fact that nothing falls out of place or that nothing is missing is impressive, to say the least, and the amount of detail that ties in so successfully is, frankly, exhilarating. The flick ends up being not only a truly exciting highlight of the year but also of the entire genre.


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