Tuesday 15 March 2016


Bahan utama yang perlu anda sediakan ialah:

[+]Minyak zaitun
[+]Bawang merah dan bawang putih (dipotong dadu)
[+]Lada hitam
[+]1 kotak susu dutch lady
[+]1 tin prego pasta sauce carbonara mushroom
[+]Daging, sosej, sotong, ayam (perencah tambahan, Azwar letak sosej dan daging sahaja)
[+]1 paket spaghetti untuk direbus sampai empuk

Cara-cara membuatnya ialah:

1) [+]Panaskan minyak zaitun, lalu tumiskan bawang putih. Bila dah agak garing masukkan pula daging. Kacau-kacaulah sampai daging itu hancur.
2) [+]Bila dah hancur, bolehlah masukkan pula "prego pasta sauce carbonara mushroom". Letaklah lada hitam sedikit, bila bau dah mula naik bolehlah curahkan air susu kotak dutch lady. Agak-agak sahaja, Azwar ikut paras tin sauce carbonara mushroom. Kacau seketika.

3) [+]Seterusnya, masukkanlah segala perencah yang engkorang rasa nak letak. Contohnya, ayam, daging, sosej, sotong, unta ke. Apa-apa sahajalah. Selepas itu tunggu sampai ia mereneh.

4) [+]Sambil membuat sos Spaghetti Carbonara, bolehlah buat spaghettinya pula. Panaskan air dalam periuk sehingga masak, letak sedikit garam. Bila ia betul-betul masak dan panas barulah rendamkan spaghetti ke dalam periuk tambahkan sedikit minyak zaitum. Lalu biarkan ia mereneh supaya spaghetti betul-betul masak.

5) [+]Siap! Bolehlah letak dalam pinggan untuk dimakan. Inilah resepi paling mudah dan cepat masak untuk dibuat. Tak sampai setengah jam pun untuk membuatnya. Rajin dengan tidak sahaja.

selamat mencuba!!

1 comment:

  1. These days when the genre of horror is brought up most people think of the latest slasher bloodfest like "A Nightmare on Elm Street" or the latest attempt at trying to scare us with some lame movie like "The Ring". happy death day release date It might be a problem with the time constraints of a 90 minute or 2 hour movie, it's hard to completely capture the audience and slowly twist the perceptions.

    Another thing forgotten in recent horror movies is the fact of NOT explaining everything within 5 minutes of it happening, it's more entertaining and spooky to speculate why someone sees something or what actually happened in a particular scene. watch the devil's candy online People forget that in some of the best horror pictures like "Psycho" the real horror came from the suspense and the wondering of what was going to happen and that the violence was secondary.

    The dialogue between characters is actually impressive especially in a couple scenes that you will be able to easily pick out. Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk who also created Nip/Tuck and Glee (odd combo) seem to be able to excel in almost any genre and especially now in horror. It's rare to writers like this who aren't afraid to jump around from genre to genre fearlessly.watch Avengers Infinity War 2018 online free


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